E-Education (aka distance learning, e-learning, e-education…) is an accredited form of study that the Faculty of Industrial Engineering offers all over Slovenia and abroad. It represents a contemporary form of study with a strong pedagogical and technical support. Flexibility is expressed through by bringing classes to the individual, especially those who have many work and family responsibilities. E-Education is offered in a hybrid format meaning that laboratory exercises are held on school premises or in high-technological companies. As individual needs are increasingly changing, we are currently undergoing modifications of our E-Education program and using European Directives for Quality in e-learning (e.g., Unique, EFQUEL, E-xcellence) to provide our students with a quality oriented e-Education program.

Additional information is available at our Student Affair’s Office, which you can contact by email referat@fini-unm.si or by phone at: +386 (0) 7 39 32 206.

The implementation of the study programs is co-financed by the Municipality of Novo mesto

Graduates of FINI are society's developmental potential.