In Slovenia, the EU and globally there is a high degree of employability of graduates in the field of mechanical engineering. Employers express the need for professional staff whose knowledge includes technical and technological knowledge.
The structure of higher education teachers recognizes experts from the academic environment and the economy who bring current news to their study programs. Faculty are also attracting faculty to the global market.
The faculty provides the environment and conditions necessary for a student-centered, student-centered implementation of learning and teaching that involves students as active participants. It is a small faculty, which is intensively adapting to the needs of students by organizing the terms of lectures, the reach of the paper, the reach and availability of higher education teachers.
The content of the study programs stems from the definitions of current needs of the economy, long-term strategic documents of the European Union and Slovenia. The programs incorporate innovative educational methods with an appropriate balance of theoretical and practical knowledge.
Graduates of FINI are society's development potential.
“S študijem na FINI sem veliko pridobila – med drugim tudi drugo, zanimivejše delovno mesto. Pri sami odločitvi za študij na FINI pa mi predvsem pretehtalo dejstvo, da je na fakulteti veliko predavateljev, ki prihajajo iz gospodarstva in tako dejansko podajajo »živo« snov.”
“Magistrski študij na FINI mi je dal dodatno znanje na področju industrijskih procesov tako strokovno znanje kot tudi iz vidika vodenja. Našel sem tudi nova poznanstva ter ustvaril nekaj prijateljskih vezi.”
“Ker živim v tujini, mi je Fakulteta FINI omogočila kvaliteten študij povsem na daljavo. S dobrimi e-predavanji, učinkovito komunikacijo ter individualno prilagodljivostjo, FINI priporočam vsem, ki bi si ob delu radi pridobili še izobrazbo diplomiranega inženirja strojništva.”
“Moja izkušnja s Fini je bila zelo pozitivna. Deloma zato, ker sem lahko študiral na daljavo in se tako posvetil tudi službi in družini in deloma zato, ker so sodelavci in profesorji zelo odprti in se je mogoče z njimi vse pogovoriti in dogovoriti. Hvaležen sem, saj so se mi vrata v svet po končanem študiju komaj odprla. Hvala FINI!”
“Tekom študija na Fakulteti za industrijski inženiring sem spoznal trende razvoja moderne oziroma pametne industrije. Nova znanja mi zelo pripomorejo pri razvoju lokacije za katero sem odgovoren.”
The activity of the Faculty of Industrial Engineering Novo mesto is education and knowledge transfer, based on research work and efforts for continuous improvement in the field of product and technology development, quality and engineering activities in all fields of industry. The Faculty is actively involved in development research project work aimed at designing new concrete projects with the economy, with the cooperation of numerous strategic partners.
Graduates of all generations who have completed their studies at the Faculty of Industrial Engineering are invited to become members of the Alumni Club. Together, we create a social capital and knowledge network that will be our better future.
Alumni Club
Graduates of FINI are society's developmental potential.