Co-funded by the European Union
(Original: Fakulteta za industrijski inženiring Novo mesto)
Programmes within Engineering and Vehicles at the Faculty of Industrial Engineering Novo mesto are based to educate graduates to find employment and be competent to carry out tasks in all structures of the economy in the field of production, technology, development, overall quality, maintenance and marketing. Graduates from the Faculty of Industrial Engineering acquire theoretical and practical knowledge to work in the technical engineering field. Graduates acquire technical, technological, organizational, and economic knowledge as well as knowledge and practice in methods of research and development.
The first cycle professional degree in Engineering and Vehicles lasts for three years (six semesters) and is awarded with 180 ECTS. The programme is formed between common compulsory/required courses (1st, 2nd, 3rd year) and elective courses (2nd and 3rd year). In the fifth semester students choose one of two recommended modules. Each module includes three courses. The sixth semester is intended for interning in a chosen organization as well as writing and defending the undergraduate diploma thesis. In the course of studies, students complete 28 courses, an internship/work placement, and the study concludes with an undergraduate diploma thesis. Courses are part-time and via e-learning. Complete course information is available here.
FINI respects in full the principles of non-discrimination set out in the Programme and ensures equal access and opportunities to mobile partcipants from all backgrounds.
FINI ensures full recognition for satisfactorily completed activities of study mobility and, where possible, traineeships in terms of credits awarded (ECTS or compatible system).
FINI accepts all activities indicated in the learning agreement as counting towards the degree, provided these have been satisfactorily completed by the mobile students.
FINI provides incoming mobile participants and their home institutions with transcripts containing a full, accurate and timely record of their achievements at the end of their mobility period.
FINI ensures full recognition of ECTS (or compatible credit system) recognition for satisfactorily completed activities of study mobility abroad. Before prospective outgoing students will go abroad, the Erasmus Coordinator will coordinate with the host institution with regard to details of the mobility along with the grading scale that is used. FINI has fully implemented ECTS, whereby one ECTS is equivalent to 30 learning hours. All credits the student earns during the mobility period and which were originally agreed in the Learning Agreement will be recognized by FINI without the need for the student to take any further courses or exams. With countries that do not use ECTS, the Erasmus Coordinator will discuss the details with the host institution as well as examine the course catalogue with regard to the number of credits that will be approved. The Academic and Student Affairs Committee will examine the information provided by the Erasmus Coordinator and provide recommendations to the number of ECTS awarded. This will be noted in the Learning Agreement before a student’s mobility takes place. This way we can ensure that the student is fully aware of how many credit hours will be obtained with institutions that are not using ECTS. The ECTS User’s Guide(2015) will be respected and used.
FINI together with the mobility participant, host and guest institution will prepare a Learning Agreement, where all items will be predefined, including credit hours that may be earned through individual courses and language classes. FINI fully recognises and allocates all credits that were successfully earned and were defined in the Learning Agreement towards the final degree. All successfully earned credits will be apparent in the student’s record and will be noted in the Diploma Supplement. Recognition of formal learning, informal learning and traineeship / work placements are also stipulated in the Rules for the Recognition of Knowledge and Skills available here.
For more information please visit the European Area of Recognition Manual.
Assistance and counselling will be provided by the Erasmus Coordinator to prospective outgoing participants. Outgoing participants with insufficient language skills are strongly encouraged to attend language preparation courses at least one semester before departing. A private language school will provide academic language preparation courses as well as courses on how to cope, deal with cultural shock, daily living, study skills, exam preparation, and so forth. Also, the Programme provides on-line tools and or financial and technical support that may be utilized for participants to prepare linguistically before their departure. Participants need to be aware that the language level for host institutions may be at the B2 level (according to the CEFR framework), but the Erasmus Coordinator will assist outgoing participants with notification of language requirements and certificate of language level that is required by the host institution. Any necessary pre-departure language instruction will be provided before participant mobility takes place.
Incoming mobile participants will be provided with linguistic support on an individualized basis. FINI along with a private language school will provide appropriate language courses as well as survival skill courses. A tutor and/or an academic mentor will be assigned to each incoming participant. A local student(s) will be assigned to assist the participant in daily challenges. Before departure, both institutions will agree on allocation of credits for language classes in the Learning Agreement before departure.
We will ensure language requirements with partner higher education institutions, businesses, and others, with inter-institutional agreements and regular communication. Based on this, we will select participants, whose prior knowledge of the required language will allow for the realization of objectives and outcomes of the mobility. Our language support will be individualized and includes:
ECTS makes teaching and learning in higher education more transparent across Europe and facilitates the recognition of all studies. The system allows for the transfer of learning experiences between different institutions, greater student mobility and more flexible routes to gain degrees. The use of ECTS for lifelong learning enhances the transparency of learning programmes and achievements not only when it comes to the main higher education degrees (bachelor, master or doctorate) but for all types of learning activities provided or learning outcomes recognised by higher education institutions. The fact that all learning achievements are documented and awarded a corresponding number of credit points (ECTS) makes it possible for learners to have this learning recognized with a view of achieving a qualification, when these learning outcomes satisfy the requirements of the qualification.
Credit allocation is the process of assigning a number of credits to qualifications/programmes or to educational components. ECTS credits are allocated on the basis of the typical workload necessary to achieve the required learning outcomes. The number of credits allocated to the entire qualification or programme depends on the national or institutional regulations and the respective cycle of the Bologna Framework.
Based on the ECTS key feature that 60 credits are allocated to the workload of a full-time academic year and 30 ECTS credits are normally allocated to a semester. Qualifications which have formal programmes lasting three fulltime academic years are allocated 180 ECTS credits. Each academic year or semester is split into educational components. An educational component is understood to be a self-contained and formally structured learning experience (such as a course unit, module, seminar or work placement). Each component should have a coherent and explicit set of learning outcomes, appropriate assessment criteria, defined workload and specified number of ECTS credits.
Course descriptions contain ‘learning outcomes’ (i.e. what students are expected to know, understand and be able to do) and workload (i.e. the time students typically need to achieve these outcomes). Each learning outcome is expressed in terms of credits, with a student workload ranging from 1.500 to 1.800 hours for an academic year, and one credit generally corresponds to 25-30 hours of work.
The first Bologna cycle is associated with the following ECTS credit range: First cycle qualifications at FINI include 180 ECTS.
The performance of the student is documented by a local/national grade. The ECTS grading scale ranks the students on a statistical basis. Therefore, statistical data on student performance is a prerequisite for applying the ECTS grading system. Grades are assigned among students with a pass grade as follows:
A › best 10 %
B › next 25 %
C › next 30 %
D › next 25 %
F › next 10 %
Description of the institutional grading system:
10 | excellent | 91 % – 100 % |
9 | very good | 81 % – 90 % |
8 | very good | 71 % – 80 % |
7 | good | 61 % – 70 % |
6 | sufficient | 51 % – 60 % |
1 to 5 | fail | less than 51 % |
ECTS credits:1 full academic year = 60 credits; 1 semester = 30 credits
Graduates of FINI are society's developmental potential.