Plenarno predavanje


Dr. Dragutin Lederer

Dragutin Lederer is a Business Excellence Consultant in LEAN-LED-CONSULTING. During his career he was responsible for the development and production of new global products and hold strategic positions of a technical domain including production, production technology, production planning & preparation process, and R&D. His experience includes leading a project of a “Greenfield” Factory build, setting the common KPI implementation for the company group level, building master plans of Lean Manufacturing including implementation and training on all level of employees.

During his work, he performed on a very high level introducing operational excellence in all plants. In particular, taking the production to the next level of performance and optimizing operational processes and inventory levels were areas in which he delivered measurable results that contributed significantly to increasing the company’s overall competitive position.

Due to his long experience in Lean Manufacturing, he took part in several international conferences in Croatia with the contributions made regarding this matter.


Lean Thinking and “Lean State of Mind” are not only spreading in existing and new industries: They also have an increasingly profound influence by enhancing our professional work and daily routine. The more our work is linked to industrialization, the more critical it is to transform our work and to adjust it to the newest industrial situation. The recent “Industry 4.0” changes our work in a revolutionary way. It does not replace it!

In the past, when talking about industrial added value, what was meant was mainly the reduction of wastefulness. Today, what is meant is ecological sustainability and, more recently, in conjunction with Industry 4.0, optimum networking. The decentralized regulation and integration of intelligent objects that accompany Industry 4.0 represent a revolutionary paradigm shift with the focus still being on waste-free processes.

The underlying hypothesis of creating leaner and waste-free processes by digital networking and of enhancing resource efficiency from an economical, psychological, and lastly also ecological point of view can only be successfully realized using Lean Thinking and “Lean State of Mind.”

Implementation of more high tech production and digital transformation, increasing technology of production processing and machining to reduce the costs and increase the capacity, is always depending on company investment ability. Implementation of Lean and company lean conversion process depends on people with mostly no needs for high investment and often bringing more efficiency in production than new or upgraded equipment. The lean conversion of the company has to be on the side with any new investment and has to be considered before it. Already established Lean Processes are the precondition for a successful implementation of Industry 4.0. 

The presentation will emphasize the crucial importance of Lean Thinking for Industry 4.0. A selection of available Lean tools for the Lean transformation process and the possible effects of their implementation will be presented. Further, it will be shown which problems hinder the lean transformation and what is essential to consider achieving the best results in a lean conversion process.

The case studies will show what is achievable using the Lean tools, always having in mind that the lean conversion is a never-ending improvement process based on lean thinking and lean state of mind of both: managers and shop floor staff.


1. DAN: 21. APRIL 2021

8.408:55Otvoritev – uvodni pozdrav | Opening
Iris Fink Grubačević, dekanja FINI Novo mesto
Matej Forjan, direktor Šolskega centra Novo mesto
Emilija Bratož, direktorica Območno Obrtne-Podjetniške zbornice Novo mesto
8:55 – 9:40 Vabljeno predavanje | Keynote lecture
Lean management and Industry 4.0
Dragutin Lederer
9:40 – 9:50 Odmor | Coffee break
9:50 – 11:05Sekcija 1 | Session 1:
Strategije za trajnostno družbo I | Strategies to sustainable society I
Vodja sekcije | Session chair: Tomaž Savšek
9:50 Low-frequency dynamics of a pre-stressed fluid loaded layer
Sheeru Shamsi, Julius Kaplunov, Ljudmila Prikazchikova
10:05Rayleigh-type wave on an elastic half-space with an added mass distributed along the surface
Siarhei Lapatsin, Danila Prikazchikov
10:20 Electrocaloric effect in smectic liquid crystals
Eva Klemenčič, Maja Trček, Zdravko Kutnjak, Samo Kralj
10:35 Developing reinforced cellular lattice structures fabricated with additive manufacturing technology
Rok Brezovšek, Matej Daniel, Tomaž Savšek
11:00 – 11:15Odmor | Coffee break
11:15 – 12:15Sekcija 2 | Session 2:
Kompleksnost upravljanja | Managing complexity
Vodja sekcije | Session chair: Gregor Dolanc
11:15Avtomatizacija stavbe v sistemu WiFi Direct
WiFi Direct building automation
Mitja Veber
11:30Metoda hitre estimacije rotacijske hitrosti na osnovi ponavljajočih se vzorcev
Method of rapid estimation of the rotational speed based on repeated patterns
Damir Vrančić, Marko Nerat
11:45Kompenzacija neželenih fizikalnih vplivov na dimenzijske meritve velikega in vitkega AI zvarjenca
Compensation of unwanted physical influences on dimensional measurements of large and slender AI welded part
Mitja Glavan, Rajko Marinčič, Jure Kokalj, Vili Malnarič
12:00Regulacija položaja DC motorja s pomočjo metode momentov
Control of DC motor position based on method of moments
Damir Vrančić
Sistem strojnega vida v robotski celici RoBIN
Vision system for the RoBIN bin picking robot cell
Mario Žganec, Stanislav Gruden, Aleš Mihelič, Boštjan Vesnicer, Žiga Golob, Jaka Kravanja, Jerneja Žganec Gros
12:15 – 12:25Odmor | Coffee break
12:25 – 12:35Sekcija 3 | Session 3:
Raziskave na projektu EAGLE | Research on EAGLE Project
Prisotnost in spreminjanje endoklimatskih fizikalnih faktorjev, ki lahko vplivajo na učinkovitost izvajanja kontrole kvalitete produktov v slovenskih tehnoloških podjetjih
Presence and change of endoclimatic physical factors that may affect the effectiveness of product quality control in Slovenian technology companies
Iris Fink Grubačević, Darko Števančec, Ines Lipuš
Sistem za simulacijo širjenja motenj v industrijskem okolju
A system for simulating the propagation of disturbances in an industrial environment
Bojan Lupše, Urška Florjančič, Anatolij Nikonov
Razvoj koncepta sistema za geometrijsko kontrolo kakovosti EAGLE
Development of the concept of the EAGLE geometric quality control system
Anton Petrič, Hidajet Kurbegović, Tomaž Savšek
Samodejno optično preverjanje dimenzij kovinskih odpreškov s sistemom strojnega vida EAGLE
Automatic optical geometry control of metal parts using the EAGLE machine vision system
Mario Žganec, Boštjan Vesnicer, Žiga Golob, Jaka Kravanja, Jerneja Žganec Gros
Impact of light conditions on optical inspection of surface defects
George Cordoyiannis
12:35 – 13:05Sekcija 3 | Session 3:
Delovno, socialno in kulturno okolje v novi dobi | Working, social and cultural environment in a new era
Vodja sekcije | Session chair: Darko Števančec
12:35Dejavniki motivacije v večkulturnem timu
Motivation factors in a multicultural team
Jelka Muhvič, Iris Fink Grubačević
12:50Medkulturne razlike z vidika aspektov pogajanj v evropskih državah
Intercultural differences in terms of negotiation aspects in European countries
Jure Prus, Iris Fink Grubačević
13:05Zaključna beseda prvega dne konference | Final thoughts of the first day
Dorian Marjanović

2. DAN: 22. APRIL 2021

8:30 – 8:40Uvodni pozdrav | Introduction
Dorian Marjanović
8:40 – 9:55Sekcija | Session 1:
Strategije za trajnostno družbo II | Strategies to sustainable society II
Vodja sekcije | Session chair: Damir Vrančić
8:40Primerjava razvrščanja in označevanja z javnimi podatki za izbrana industrijska topila
Comparison of classification and labelling with public data for selected industrial solvents
Igor Simonič
8:55 Je CO2 laserski rezalnik še konkurenčen?
Is CO2 laser cutting machine still competitive?
Uroš Zajec
9:10Izdelava lopatic modelne vetrne turbine
Manufacturing of model size wind turbine blades
Matej Fike, Gorazd Hren, Marko Pezdevšek, Andrej Predin
9:25Simulacija skladišč s tehnikami navidezne resničnosti na spletu
Warehouse simulations with web virtual reality techniques
Gorazd Hren, Marko Pezdevšek, Matej Fike, Andrej Predin
9:40Primerjava simulacij med različnimi CFD sistemi na primeru avtodoma
Comparison of Simulations in Different CFD Systems of Motorhome
Matej Štalcar, Gorazd Hren
9:55 – 10:05Odmor | Coffee break
10:05 – 11:50Sekcija 2 | Session 2:
Trajnostne tehnologije | Sustainable technologies
Vodja sekcije | Session chair: Tomaž Savšek
10:05Discovery of a FeCoNiPdCu high-entropy alloy with excellent magnetic softness
Magdalena Wencka
10:20Napovedovanje porabe električne energije z umetno inteligenco
Prediction of electricity consumtion with artifical inteligence
Tomaž Čegovnik, Andrej Dobrovoljc, Janez Povh, Matic Rogar
10:35Ugotavljanje obodne togosti plastomerne cevi s programsko opremo Zwick Roell TestXpert III
Determination of ring stiffness of thermoplastic pipes with Zwick Roell TestXpert III software
Matej Francelj, Mitja Kozamernik, Franci Kavčič, Grega Trtnik
10:50Vpliv usmerjenosti tiska na mehanske lastnosti miniaturnih preizkušancev natisnjenih s Polyjet tehnologijo aditivnega tiska
The influence of print orientation on mechanical properties of miniature test specimens printed with Polyjet additive manufacturing technology
Pavel Bačar, Matej Daniel, Tomaž Savšek
11:05Optimiranje oblike platine za izboljšan proces vleka pločevine z ozirom na manjšo porabo materiala
Optimization of blank for better sheet metal drawing process with regard to lower material consumption
Patricia Šašek, Marjan Žagar, Tomaž Habinc, Jurij Švegelj, Vili Malnarič
11:20Optimalna izbira orodij za frezanje krivih površin
Optimal selection of tools used for milling of curved surfaces
Leopold Gantar, Marica Prijanovič Tonkovič
11:35Correlation between adhesion strength and phase transition behaviour in Au- and SiO2-supported lipid membranes
George Cordoyiannis, Matej Daniel, Aleš Iglič, Patricia Losada-Pérez
Implementacija končnih super pretvornikov v jezikovni model govornih pogonov
Implementation of finite state super transducers into language models of speech engines
Žiga Golob, Simon Dobrišek, Mario Žganec, Jerneja Žganec Gros
11:50 – 12:00Odmor | Coffee break
12:00- 12:45Sekcija 3 | Session 3:
Rešitve za trajnostni promet | Solutions for sustainable transport
Vodja sekcije | Session chair: Urška Florjančič
12:00Blockchain backed autonomous vehicles as a part of IoT
Tomaž Lesjak, Mitja Cerovšek
12:15Homogenizacija mehanskih napetosti v okvirju kolesa
Homogenization of mechanical stresses in a bicycle frame
Marko Rožič, Mitja Muhič
12:30Predelava kolesa v električno kolo
Converting a bicycle into an eBike
Mitja Muhič
12:45Zaključna beseda konference | Final thoughts
Dorian Marjanović

Plenarno predavanje

Profesor dr. Matej DANIEL, vodja Biomehaničnega oddelka na Tehnični univerzi v Pragi

Additive manufacturing and implantable medical devices

The medical industry is already one of the largest users of additive manufacturing also denoted as 3D printing. New additive manufacturing methods allow engineers to create more anatomically-accurate devices requiring designs that are difficult to produce with traditional subtractive methods.  The aim of the lecture is to explain basics of additive manufacturing and focus on current state-of-art and limitations of the technology. Direct metal laser sintering will be presented as a method for orthopaedic device production from biocompatible titanium alloys. New techniques significantly reduce product development timelines and allow to create implants that closely mimic shape of natural bone. Furthermore. The implants can be made with complex porous designs that fuse more easily with other bone structures.


8.15Otvoritev – uvodni pozdrav | Opening
Iris Fink Grubačević, dekanja FINI Novo mesto
Matej Forjan, direktor Šolskega centra Novo mesto
Tomaž Kordiš, direktor Gospodarske zbornice Dolenjske in Bele krajine
Emilija Bratož, direktorica Območno obrtne-podjetniške zbornice Novo mesto
8.45 – 9.30Plenarno predavanje | Plenary lecture  
Additive manufacturing and implantable medical devices
Matej Daniel
9.30 – 10.00Sekcija | Session 1
Biomehanika /  Biomechanics
Vodja sekcije | Session chair: Barbara Zupančič
9.30 – 9.40Urejenost membran in njihova funkcionalnost 
Membranes’ in-plane phase ordering and their functionality
Samo Kralj, Luka Mesarec, George Cordoyiannis, Veronika Kralj-Iglič, Aleš Iglič
9.40 – 9.50Atomic force microscopy on neuron cells
Kristina Eleršič Filipič, Matej Daniel
9.50 – 10.00Viskoelastično modeliranje mehanskega obnašanja možganskega tkiva
Viscoelastic modelling of brain tissue mechanical behaviour
Barbara Zupančič
10.00 – 10.10 Odmor | Coffee break
10.10 – 11.00Sekcija | Session 2
Temeljne in aplikativne raziskave /  Fundamental and Applied Research
Vodja sekcije | Session chair: Anatolij Nikonov
10.10 – 10.20Disperzija elastičnih valov v homogenih in simetričnih trislojnih ploščah
Dispersion of elastic waves in homogeneous and symmetric three-layered plates
Milan Ambrožič
10.20 – 10.30Večkriterijska optimizacija območij stabilnosti vibracij zobniških gonil
Multi-objective optimization of stability domains of gear drive vibrations
Rudolf Pušenjak
10.30 – 10.40Eksperimentalna in numerična določitev integralne karakteristike modelne vetrne turbine                           
Experimental measurement and numerical prediction of integral characteristic of a model-size wind turbine
Matej Fike, Gorazd Hren, Andrej Predin, Marko Pezdevšek
10.40 – 10.50Numerična napoved gladinskega stanja v območju sotočja dveh rek
Numerical prediction of water surface levels in the confluence of two rivers
Gorazd Hren, Matej Fike, Andrej Predin, Marko Pezdevšek
10.50 – 11.00Asymptotic Analysis of the Edge Bending Wave on a Stiffened Plate
A. Alzaidi, Julius Kaplunov, Ljudmila Prikazchikova
Multi-parametric dynamic analysis of „lightweight“ laminates
Julius Kaplunov, Danila Prikazchikov, Ljudmila Prikazchikova, Anatolij Nikonov, Tomaž Savšek
Multi-parametric dynamic modelling of layered strongly inhomogeneous elastic structures
Julius Kaplunov, Anatolij Nikonov
Učinkovita prestavitev leksikalnih jezikovnih virov za razvoj govornih tehnologij
Compact Representation of Lexical Language Resources for Efficient Speech Technology Design
Žiga Golob, Simon Dobrišek, Jerneja Žganec Gros
CityVOICE: zasnova novega glasu za govorne vmesnike v pametnih mestih in skupnostih
CityVOICE: Novel Voice Design for Speech User Interfaces in Smart Cities and Communities
Aleš Mihelič, Boštjan Vesnicer, Peter Holozan, Miro Romih, Simon Rozman, Tomaž Šef, Domen Zupančič, Jerneja Žganec Gros
11.00 – 11.10 Odmor | Coffee break
11.10 – 11.40Sekcija | Session 3
Industrija 4.0 in pametne specializacije / Industry 4.0 and Smart Specializations
Vodja sekcije | Session chair: Tomaž Savšek
11.10 – 11.20Using Software Engineering Principles for Machine Learning
Marina Tropmann-Frick
11.20 – 11.30Uporaba IoT za merjenje manjših odjemnih mest vodovodnega omrežja v podjetju Luka Koper
Use of IoT for measuring small water supply points in Port of Koper
Alojz Golli, Tomaž Aljaž
11.30 – 11.40Klasifikacija kratkotrajnih zvočnih signalov z uporabo strojnega učenja
Short audio signal classification with machine learning
Izidor Potočnik, Damir Vrančić, Tomaž Jurejevčič
11.40 – 12.10 Odmor | Coffee break
12.10 – 13.00Sekcija | Session 4
Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and Technologies
Vodja sekcije | Session chair: Urška Florjančič
12.10 – 12.20Kombinirani vpliv preoblikovanja in spajanja na zdržljivost izdelkov
Combined Influence of Forming and Joining Technologies on Product Durability
Matic Muc, Mitja Glavan, Vili Malnarič, Jernej Klemenc
12.20 – 12.30Konstruiranje nastavljivih stopalk motocikla
Design of adjustable motorcycle pedals
Žan Kukovičič, Mitja Muhič
12.30 – 12.40Primerjava MKE analiz z nateznim preizkusom pri nerjavnem jeklu
Comparison of FEM analyzes with tensile test of stainless steel
Luka Sinobad, Mitja Muhič
12.40 – 12.50Vpliv načina litja na lastnosti aluminijeve zlitine
The influence of casting method on the properties of aluminium alloy
Bojan Jurjec, Peter Cvahte, Marica Prijanovič Tonkovič
12.50 – 13.00Nekateri pristopi in rešitve pri razvoju adaptivnih in inteligentnih pogonov
Some approaches and solutions in development of adaptive and intelligent drives
Damir Vrančić, Zoran Šaponia, Samo Krančan, Marko Nerat, Janko Petrovčič
13.00 – 13.20Sekcija | Session 5
Raziskave na projektu EAGLE | Research on EAGLE Project
Vodja sekcije | Session chair: Jerneja Žganec Gros
13.00 – 13.10Izzivi projekta EAGLE
Challenges on EAGLE Project
Tomaž Savšek, Mario Žganec
13.10 – 13.20Industrija 4.0 in izkoriščanje njenih možnosti za kontrolo kakovosti izdelkov v slovenskih tehnoloških podjetjih
Industry 4.0 and exploiting its potential for product quality control in Slovenian technology companies
Iris Fink Grubačević, Darko Števančec, Ines Lipuš
Napredni senzorski sistem EAGLE za 3D kontrolo geometrije kompleksnih predmetov v tovarnah prihodnosti
Advanced Sensor System EAGLE for 3D Geometry Control of Complex Objects in Factories of the Future
Tomaž Savšek, Mitja Cerovšek, Iris Fink Grubačević, Mario Žganec, Jerneja Žganec Gros
Izzivi kakovosti in stanje tehnike pri oblikovanju razvojnih zahtev za sistem EAGLE
Quality challenges and state of the art in designing development requirements for the system EAGLE
Hidajet Kurbegović, Anton Petrič, Tomaž Savšek
Razvojna izhodišča za zasnovo koncepta sistema strojnega vida za geometrijsko kontrolo kakovosti EAGLE
Research Premises for 3D Vision System Concept Design in EAGLE Geometry Quality Control
Mario Žganec, Boštjan Vesnicer, Žiga Golob, Jaka Kravanja, Jerneja Žganec Gros
Metodologije nedestruktivnega testiranja industrijskih izdelkov kompleksne geometrije
Methodologies of Non-Destructive Testing of Industrial Products of Complex Geometry
Urška Florjančič, Anatolij Nikonov, Julius Kaplunov
Koncept sistema strojnega vida za pobiranje kosov iz zabojev v robotski Celici RoBIN
Vision System Concept for the RoBIN Bin Picking Robot Cell
Mario Žganec, Stanislav Gruden, Aleš Mihelič, Boštjan Vesnicer, Žiga Golob, Jaka Kravanja, Jerneja Žganec Gros
13.20 – 13.30Odmor | Coffee break
13.30 – 14.00Sekcija | Session 6
Dejavniki konkurenčnosti | Competitive Advantage Factors
Zdravo bivalno in delovno okolje | Healthy Living and Working Environment
Vodja sekcije | Session chair: Darko Števančec
13.30 – 13.40Tehnološko posodabljanje vhoda materialov v industriji
Technological modernization of the input of materials in the industry
Ingrid Uhernik Franko, Sašo Murtič
13.40 – 13.50Merjenje zaloge izdelkov v prodajnih avtomatih
Stock metering in vending machines
Mitja Veber, Marko Sever
13.50 – 14.00Primerjava razvrščanja in označevanja nekaterih farmacevtskih učinkovin
Evaluation of classification and labeling of some active pharmaceutical ingredients
Igor Simonič
Preverjanje ustreznosti lastne metodologije testiranja uporabljivosti izdelka
Assessment of the validity of a method for testing usability of a product
Lucija Galič, Darko Števančec, Iris Fink Grubačević
14.00Zaključna beseda / misel | Final thoughts
Tomaž Savšek, predsednik Programskega odbora

Diplomanti FINI predstavljajo razvojni potencial družbe.

Graduates of FINI are society's developmental potential.