Študentje 2. letnika na visokošolskem strokovnem študijskem programu Inženiring in vozila bodo pri izbirnem predmetu Trženje v sredo, 17. 4. 2024, v sklopu Erasmus+ mobilnosti prisostvovali gostujočemu predavanju predavateljice iz naše partnerske institucije Dunaújváros University (Madžarska).
Tema predavanja:
Electromobility competes with traditional powered mobility, it is just starting to achieve its successes, but it does not yet offer a convincing value proposition to the majority of users, and consequently it is not yet able to exploit its socio-economic potential yet. So in Hungary, the current challenge of electromobility is to change this quality state, to develop and set its own ecosystem on a growth path. In emerging ecosystems, the identification of the central actors and the mapping of their challenges are essential, in order to recognize the new user value propositions and develop implementation methods. The present study performs literature and document analysis along these goals, and restructures and further develops their results.
Gostujoča predavateljica:
Kovács, Szilvia is a sociologist Ma., economist Ba., and PhD-student in the field of social spatial sciences. She has been working as an university assistant at the University of Dunaújváros since 2018, where she is also a talent managment-mentor and a startup program-cooordinator. She used to be a recepient of the DOC-team Fellowship of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (2012-2016), earlier worked as a junior researcher in the Institute of Sociology of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Her professional interests is interdisciplinary in relation to spatial-social processes, from the angle of sustainability, be it the issue of mobility, ecosystems or women’s empowerment.
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