
Vabilo na spletni webinar

V okviru Alumni kluba FINI Novo mesto in Kariernega centra FINI Novo mesto organiziramo spletni webinar z naslovom Liquid-crystal dispersed nanoparticles: fundamentals, recent advances and inroads into applications, ki ga bo izvedel doc. dr. Georgios Kordogiannis.

Webinar bo potekal v torek, 16. 6. 2020 od 17.00 do 18.00 v MS Teams. Povezava do srečanja se nahaja tukaj.

Povzetek webinarja:

In the first part of this seminar the fundamentals of liquid crystals will be overviewed, ranging from the description of mesophases and transitions between them, to the basic principles of display devices. In the second part, recent advances in liquid crystal-dispersed nanoparticles and potential applications will be discussed. The focus will be the following: (a) nanoparticle-induced stabilization of liquid-crystalline blue phases and (b) nanoparticle-driven optimization of liquid crystals’ electrocaloric response towards future heat management technologies.

Webinar bo potekal v angleškem jeziku. Diskusija bo lahko potekala v slovenskem ali angleškem jeziku.

Reference predavatelja:

George Cordoyiannis (Georgios Kordogiannis) has obtained his BSc, MSc and PhD degrees in National & Kapodistrian University of Athens and National Technical University of Athens (Greece). Over the last 15 years he has worked as a postdoctoral fellow and research associate at Jožef Stefan Institute (Slovenia), KU Leuven (Belgium), National & Kapodistrian University of Athens (Greece). At present he performs research in Faculty of Industrial Engineering (Slovenia) and in Czech Technical University in Prague (Czech Republic). His expertise is in the fields of soft matter and biophysics, as well as in nanomaterials. His work performed by means of calorimetric methods, small- and wide-angle X-ray scattering, quartz crystal microbalance with heat dissipation, optical and fluorescence microscopy, counts 66 publications in peer-review journals, 1158 citations and h-index 20 (Web of Science, 2020).

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