Vabljeni na webinar Teamwork and Communication in Engineering, ki bo v sredo, 1. decembra 2021, ob 16.15 potekal preko spletne platforme Zoom. Predstavitev bo vodila Dr. Ana Margarida Barada, iz Instituto Superior de Engenharia iz Porta (Portugalska).
Več o webinarju:
When reflecting on the current demanding and ever-changing world we perceive a thread of endless wireless connections interrelating countries, institutions, education, businesses, cultures, crossing and embracing, linking myriad activities, leading people scattered around the globe to work together and to cooperate in diverse contexts.
The immediate thought coming to most people’s minds usually points out how advanced and extraordinary technology is, how fundamental it is to keep on innovating and improving it further to reach unnamed places.
However, side by side with tech, it is vital to focus on those that make it possible: people, individuals, and teams from various fields, namely the engineers, and the engineers to be. Their dynamics and contribution, skills, ability and will make a difference to all the present and future developments.
Throughout this lecture, participants will have the opportunity to:
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