
Webinar Technological Change in Engineering Design

V okviru ALUMNI kluba FINI Novo mesto in Kariernega centra FINI Novo mesto organiziramo predavanje z naslovom Technological Change in Engineering Design, ki ga bo izvedel prof. Chris McMahon iz University of Bristol (UK). Predavanje bo potekalo v sredo, 27. 10. 2021, ob 16.30 v virtualnem okolju Zoom.

Tematika predavanja:

This presentation will present observations on the influence of technology on engineering design and on the engineering profession, based on reflections from a career working in engineering design and on research in design informatics – the use of computers as a means of generating, communicating and sharing data, information and knowledge in design.  The presentation will outline the scope and development of design informatics over the past 30 years, with an emphasis on applications in mechanical engineering and related disciplines and on design support from conceptual design to life-cycle support.  It will then use examples from research in design information systems to draw out general lessons about the challenges of working in the complex and highly dynamic field of engineering design, before concluding with observations on the key challenges of design informatics today.


Na dogodek se povežete s klikom na povezavo: Technological Change in Engineering Design (Meeting ID: 935 9715 5394, Passcode: 723034).


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