
Predavanje z naslovom Innovation and Success in Business

V okviru Alumni kluba FINI Novo mesto in Kariernega centra FINI Novo mesto organiziramo predavanje z naslovom Innovation and Success in Business, ki ga bo izvedel prof. dr. Velimir Srića. Predavanje bo potekalo v sredo, 29. 9. 2021, ob 16.30 v virtualnem okolju Zoom.


Tematika predavanja:


The lecture is aimed at explaining innovation and creativity as phenomena in general, and specifically within the modern business environment. The covered topics range from a description of the role of innovation in the age of digital transformation to an explanation of barriers to creativity and innovation and how to remove them. The speech also deals with issues in innovative project management and problems associated with building innovative organizational environment. The lecture provides case studies and best practices as well as tips and tricks in dealing with innovation in business


Na dogodek se povežete s klikom na povezavo: Innovation and Success in Business (Meeting ID: 882 9450 6599, Passcode: 710689).


Svojo udeležbo potrdite na referat@fini-unm.si.

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